Paris ~ My Carry-On Experiment

11 August 2012

In 3 sleeps I will be flying to Paris, France. I am getting really excited. Not only to see Paris, but to see, feel, taste the man who will be waiting there for me when the plane lands. Inspired by Susannah Conway and her recent experience travelling across the pond with only a carry on, I am doing the same. Here's my list. Keep in mind that it was longer, and I've had to cut it down, to decide what not to bring.

1 pr trainers ~ WEARING
2 pr of socks ~ WEARING one
1 pr yoga pants ~ WEARING
3 tops ~ WEARING one
1 hoodie/cardigan ~ WEARING
1 pr yoga capris
1 pr capris
1 pr sandals
2 prs PJs
6 prs of knickers
2 bras
1 towel
1 89 ml (see-thru) container of shampoo
1 89 ml (see-thru) container of condition
2 disposable razors
1 comb
1 toothbrush
kobo e-reader with cable
2 books
camera/card reader
2 journals
hair accessories
my mobile with charge cable
my laptop with cable
individual pouches of Crystal Light

The photo above is not mine, but I hope to take one just like it in a few days' time. And I will post them, oh yeah I will post them.


X. Dell said...

Bon voyage. Believe it or not, Paris is a place I only traveled through on the road to somewhere else. Maybe I'll really see it one of these days.

Toulon is more my speed. It's one of my favorite cities on this Earth.

Caroline said...

Oh my cool! And the thought of traveling so lightly! You will have a wonderful trip...can't wait to hear more about your adventures!

Mayden' s Voyage said...

Oh...I suppose you are there already? Keep us posted :) Have a lovely time ♥


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